We are happy & proud to hear that our good friend Jean Pierre Parent from the Balboa Water Group, has just been announced as the new Senior Vice President, Managing Director of the Balboa Water Group.
Balboa are respected as the biggest & best suppliers of hot tub systems in the world.
JP will take on the new role from August 20th & is rich reward for the hard work & dedication he has given to the role since joining Balboa in 2002.
We have met JP on many occasions & he has always been excellent company & he has given great advice & support as our role as a Balboa approved dealer.
The last 18 months have been the most challenging in terms of managing a global business & JP like us all at HTS has worked tirelessly in the face of so many issues with supply chains & logistics.
We wish JP all the best for the new role & look forward like us all to a bigger & brighter future.