To get the most out of your hot tub it must be maintained and kept clean at all times.
To maximise the efficiency and ease, Hottubsuppliers have introduced a new cleaning kit; this specially designed kit enables the hot tub to remain clean both on the outside and inside.
The kit consists of four cleaning products: Hot Tub Flush, Filter Cleaner, Water Line Cleaner and No Scale.
Hot Tub Flush
Hot Tub Flush removes scum from pipes, and also before emptying the hot tub it cleans the pipe work and shell.
Hottubsuppliers thoroughly recommend that you use Hot Tub Flush before the water is drained out of the hot tub for your 12 week maintenance clean or any other emptying process.
This product is designed to clean all the pipe work and fittings internally and will also loosen bio films which provide ideal conditions from which viruses and bacteria can harvest.
Simply add the formula (250 ml for 1750 litres of water) and turn on pumps to allow even distribution. Then allow standing for at least one hour before draining the drain. Then clear dispenser bottle which has full instructions and is 1 Litre on size.
Filter Cleaner
Filter Cleaner should be used regularly, preferably weekly, to ensure your filters are clean and working efficiently.
Filter Cleaner is a quick and effective solution for cleaning your filters to enable cleaner water with smooth and efficient water circulation.
Add 50ml of filter cleaner for every 1 litre of water to a bucket and then leave the filters to soak for at least 8 hours and then rinse with fresh water.
Water Line Cleaner
Water Line Cleaner cleans the green scum off your water line caused by moisture, sweat, make up, sun cream and other particles. This product can be used when the hot tub is full or empty.
When using the Water Line Cleaner be careful not to apply too much whilst there is water in the hot tub to avoid foam appearing.
Use a clean cloth and apply directly to the hot tub shell. Then remove excess residue with a clean cloth.
No Scale
No Scale will prevent and remove lime scale from your spa internals and surface. This product will also remove scaling from your heater element.
No Scale prevents issues with internal components due to built up deposits of lime scale, which can be caused by relatively high water temperatures; this lime scale can become host to harmful bacteria.
No Scale should be used as a weekly preventative measure and can be used in all water types.
Add 25 ml per 1000 litres in the hot tub and add weekly 15ml per 100 litres. Make sure filters are cleaned once a week whilst using No Scale. Hard water areas or heavy scaling may need more application of the No Scale.